Saturday, May 24, 2008

Still Under Construction: To Paradise and Back!

Firstly, I'm sorry that I've been away for a long time! I have a really really good excuse! I was getting married AGAIN!(this time it was an Indian version) I just got back from our honeymoon and would love to share some of the AMAZING experiences we encountered along the way. My most recent posts will be about the incredibly delicious food on the island... So get yourself a cup of tea, kick back, and enjoy a mini photo vacation to Maui through my new photo blog at


Patricia Gallagher said...

I love your blog Sangeeta. Reading it makes me want to do something more productive with my life. I will take a nap and think about it.

Your pictures are beautiful.

Sangeeta Kumar said...

Thanks Patricia! :)

I've finally moved my blog to visit sometime! And email me about what sorts of productive things you'd like to do with your life! Perhaps I can help...

Talk to you then..

Strengthening Health Institute said...

"Macrobiotics is not a diet. Macrobiotics is an orderly approach to diet and lifestyle. Through principles of harmony, balance and change we continually learn how to make healthier choices in our eating habits, diet, activity and lifestyle.

Macrobiotics is also based on the understanding that spiritual health, the development of endless appreciation for all of life, leads to mental, emotional and physical health. The healthy choices we each make on a daily basis also benefit society and the environment."
-Denny Waxman