Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Under Construction

Hi All! I know I've been gone for so long! We're rebuilding our blog site and it will be featured on www.ChooseVeg.com pretty soon!! Oh and I'm sorry that the formating is all ruined on this blog...when we uploaded our posts on our new blog, somehow it ruined our formating and instead of putting time into fixing this, I figure I should instead put time into building the new blog.

In the meantime, here is a quick recipe that I use often. I love sweet potatoes and they are so good for you! All I do is slice up the sweet potatoes add a little oil and sprinkle on some chili powder and salt to taste. Then I bake it at 415F for about 15-20 min. You can eat it plain, but I like to eat it with some ketchup on the side. Try this out, and I know you'll be eating this simple snack over and over again! Hopefully, the next time I blog, I'll be telling you that our new blog site is up and read to visit!

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